The pack contains 36 cards, 35 animal cards and one key card.
Each animal card features an illustration on one side with its common name then on the other side you will find their scientific name, when to see them, what they eat, conservation information, the threats they face and three fun facts, and the background colour of the card show should which areas of the British Isles the animal live in.
Printed in the UK, using sustainable card, and coated with a water based finish making them recyclable at the end of their life. Presented in a fully printed and laminated box. CE tested. There is no plastic wrap.
Set includes
Greater mouse eared bat
Willow tit
Ladybird spider
Water vole
Harvest dormouse
Elephant hawk moth
Mole cricket
Natter jack toad
Eurasian beaver
Spiny shield bug
Fen raft spider
Little cuttlefish
Orange clubbed sea slug
Golden eagle
European badger
Red deer
Eurasian otter
Common shrew
Red fox
Great crested newt
Red squirrel
Grey seal
Spiny seahorse
Common dolphin
Basking shark
Garden bumblebee
Pine Martin
Stag beetle
European hedgehog
Scottish wildcat
Emperor dragonfly
The cards are 78 x 108mm